Disrupt and Resist Exhibition 

Disrupt And Resist: A Love Letter To The Disability Community On What Showing Up For Each Other Can Be 
Curated by Alissa Maru and Jen White Johnson

September 9 - November 11, 2023, Mason Exhibitions Arlington (Phase 1) 

January 22 - March 1, @ Gillespie Gallery of Art (Phase 2) 
GMU Art and Design Building, Fairfax

Curated by Jen White Johnson, Jeffrey Kenney, and Alissa Maru

About the Exhibition

DISRUPT AND RESIST is an exhibition of 7 contemporary disabled designers and artists engaging in disability advocacy through creative resistance and anti-ableist disruption. This exhibition amplifies the ways disabled artists show up for themselves and each other. Shining a light on the joy of their own lived experience, DISRUPT AND RESIST amplifies the mission of exploring accessibility, disability justice, radical joy, belonging, and inclusivity. Disrupt and resist means to advocate for access-centered protest, dismantling the desire for a non-disabled body. To honor the unique beauty of each individual, celebrating the diversity of minds and bodies that enrich our world. To proudly identify as disabled and neurodivergent, using our art and activism as tools for empowerment and transformation.

This exhibition brings together a beautiful range and cohort of disabled or neurodivergent creators who use their art practice to inform and advocate for disability justice. The artists disrupt the narrative of disability through video to photography to sculpture and sound design.

The exhibition is co-curated by Alissa Maru and Jen White-Johnson. Please see gallery staff for any additional accessibility accommodations. Large print format materials are available at the reception desk.

More Exhibition Info Here: 